Founded by Artistic Director and Choreographer, Laura Osterhaus, Slo Dance Company finds its footing based in the importance of Slowness, a practice of slowing down the speed of our lives in contrast with the fast-pace of society. Inspired by Carl Honore’s book In Praise of Slowness, Laura has only begun her dive into this theory. Slow food, slow fashion, slow transportation are just a few ways in which people apply this idea to their daily life, realizing how truly influential this movement can be on a single person and society as a whole. As a company, each rehearsal and performance is centered around applying these ideas in our creative process and daily lives in order to develop a more mindful approach to the role we play in our community. As an emerging, project-based company in Minneapolis, MN, Slo Dance Co. derives inspiration from its ever evolving circle of artistic collaborators.
“Laura Osterhaus, will leave you gobsmacked by her articulate moves.”